Prime Stock Market Flutter UI Kit

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by thefuturelens


Prime Stock Market Flutter UI Kit

This kit provides a user-friendly interface that prioritizes both aesthetics and functionality. It offers a wide range of pre-built components, such as charts, graphs, and stock market widgets, which can be easily customized to suit your app’s unique requirements. This is an online investment platform that allows users to invest in a variety of assets in the stock market. This means that users can diversify their investment portfolio and potentially earn higher returns. Prime Stock Market Flutter UI Kit is a high-quality premium pack including 60+ screens for your next stock market project. This Kit developed and designed for Developers using Flutter. It contains complete app templates, ready-to-use widgets, and code snippets. This kit is compatible with Android and iOS. This app added clean code, well-formatted, easy to understand, and the good thing is that it is easy to customize with your brand.

App Features

  • Contains 60+ screens with different types of interface
  • UI Kit for buy/sell stocks from app and Mutual funds
  • Sign In and Sign Up process
  • Search stocks, Popular stocks and Add stocks in wishlist
  • Real time portfolios & stock analytics & sell and buy stock
  • Top Gainers, Top Losers, funding activity, withdraw & multiple payment methods
  • Mutual fund, portfolio, orders, funds, create wishlist features
  • Support Android & IOS platforms
  • Using GetX for state management
  • Reusable Elements and Widgets
  • Flexible Structure, Easy to Customise
  • Variables, Classes, and Functions are named per their content
  Download APK App Screenshot


  • Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows).
  • Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. Android Studio, VSCode, etc).
  • A basic knowledge of Flutter and Dart.

Source and Credits


All images are just used for preview purposes only and replaced with Placeholder Images. They are not part of the template and are not included in the final purchase files. Please don’t forget to rate this item if you like it.


If you need any help using the file or need special customizing please feel free to contact me via my Themeforest profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, Thank you.

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