PetStand - iPhone(ios) Pet App For Pet Lovers

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by samyotech


PetStand Mobile Application

This app is for pet lovers. This app let’s user to share their pet’s information with other pet lovers. Also helps to find nearby pets and veterinary in Google Maps. This application have unique UI, reminder, public wall and also you can share on other social media, save memories and many more. It is not Just a activity tracker for pet it is more than that.

Key features of the application

  • Unique UI
  • Find Near By Veterinary
  • Reminder
  • Public Wall
  • Share on Other Social Media
  • Save Memories
  • Activity Track manually For pet
  • Flutterwave Payment Gateway
  • E-commerce application buy and sell pet, petfood etc.

Please Take a Tour Of Our App With This Credentials

Admin panel URl:

Admin Credintials ‒

Admin Panel Username :-

Admin Panel Password :- 123456


Mobile Number :- +917869999639

OTP :- 1111

PetStand App Demo APK Download Here : – PetStand App Build

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