Music recognition app

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by dariolessa
Music recognition app Android  Mobile Full Applications



• Song Audio Selection:
• OneSignal Notification inside Admin
• Admob ads Integrated(Banner/Interstital/Native)
• Facebook Ads via Admob Bidding
• Target SDK 31
• Latest Version of Android Studio
• Full native Andriod Code
• Easily customizable code
• Beautiful designed UI base on Material design
• Firebase Analytics

App Characteristic
• Find songs instantly.
• Each song you search for will be saved in a history, and then you can listen to it.
• You can preview it to make sure it’s the song you’re looking for.
• Listen to the recognized song on Spotify or watch the video clip on YouTube.
• Perfect graphic interface.
• Share the song you discovered with your friends!
• Get complete information on your favorite songs, artist, singer, lyrics and more!
• Learn more songs from the artist you are looking for.
know song names

Download Apk: shazum.apk





Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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