LaundryMart - Multi Vendor Laundry Booking App With Admin Panel

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by RazinSoftLimited


Admin-Demo Playstore-Demo

Password: secret

LaundryMart is an online platform that allows you to run your business with multiple vendors and products in one place. It is built with Laravel and Flutter Framework, which provide a flexible solution for your business needs.

  • The customer can only order from one store at a time. The order is placed from the selected store.
  • The order request section shows the order to the delivery boys. They can accept the order for delivery from there.
  • The store owner receives the order on their dashboard after the delivery man confirms it. The store owner then prepares or cooks the order and gives it to the delivery man.
  • The store receives the order on their dashboard as soon as the order is paid digitally. The order is automatically confirmed when it is paid online.
  • The delivery man’s confirmation is not required for either case if the admin activates the store’s confirmation model. The delivery men will receive the order for acceptance only after the store confirms it.
  • The order is accepted, confirmed (if COD), picked up, and delivered by the Delivery Guy to the Customer. The stores handle all the steps for self-pickup orders.

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Best Attributes

  • Draw accurate coverage area on the map
  • Multiple Store Management
  • Store wise Product Management
  • Advanced Order Management
  • Delivery man app (Not Included)
  • Assign Delivery Man Manually
  • Promotions Management
  • Employee Section
  • Complete Featured User App
  • Multiple Payment Gateways (Not Included)
  • Transaction & report analytics
  • OTP Integration via SMS or Email Base

Importent Links

LaundryMart-Screen-01 LaundryMart-Screen-02 LaundryMart-Screen-03 LaundryMart-Screen-04 LaundryMart-Screen-05 LaundryMart-Screen-06 LaundryMart-Screen-07 LaundryMart-Screen-08

 Mobile & Web Admin V:0.0.1
   - Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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