IonShop - Ionic 3 Starter for Ecommerce Based Apps

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by quanlabs
IonShop - Ionic 3 Starter for Ecommerce Based Apps Ionic Ecommerce Mobile App template



IonShop 2 is now available with Ionic 4, PWA and Desktop Support!

IonShop is a complete solution to create an Ecommerce app for Android and iOS devices.

IonShop - Ionic 3 Starter for Ecommerce Based Apps - 1 IonShop - Ionic 3 Starter for Ecommerce Based Apps - 2

Our solution is suitable for Fashion, Electronics, Grocery and Restaurants. Using this platform store owners and developers will save a lot of time and money. If you don’t have technical skills, we offer installation services so you can focus on manage your store and increase your sales.

This starter comes with an Admin portal, a web based solution where store owners can manage and view orders, items, categories, categories, slider images, customers, shipping zones and send push notification to customers.

App Features

  • Sign In/ Sign Up + Social Login
  • Password recovery
  • Homepage Slider
  • Filter Items by Categories/Subcategories
  • Add products to Cart
  • Place orders
  • Calculate Shipping Fee after Zone/Subzone selection
  • Account Management (Payment, Addresses, Profile, Change Password, Logout)
  • Order List/Details
  • Wishlist/Favorites
  • Search Items by keywords
  • Share App
  • Payments with Credit Card (via Stripe) or Cash
  • Multi-language
  • PWA support
  • View Items On Sale, Featured and New Arrival.
  • Push Notifications

Admin Portal Features

  • Manage Orders, View Order Details, Update Order Status
  • Manage Categories/Subcategories
  • Manage Zones/Subzones
  • Manage Users/Customers, Block Customers.
  • Manage Slider Images
  • Send Push Notifications
  • Manage Config (Contact, Stripe, Email Notifications, Push Notifications)
  • Update Password
  • Login/Logout
  • Password Recovery
  • Email Alerts for new orders


  • Google Play – (username: user pasword: demodemo)
  • Admin Portal – (user: admin password: demodemo)


  • App Source Code
  • Admin Portal Source Code
  • Documentation

Technical Details

Ionic framework is an open source front-end SDK for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Ionic is focused mainly on the look and feel, and UI interaction of your app. Cordova is a platform to build Native Mobile Applications using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.

Backend was built with Node.js, MongoDB, Angular.js and Express.


1.0.0 – 17/Sep/2018 Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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