HealthMate Offline Health Calculator | Applovin Ads

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by artificialsoft


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Calculate the macronutrient requirements based on the input data. You can use a formula such as the Harris-Benedict equation to estimate the basal metabolic rate (BMR) of the user, and then multiply it by a factor based on their activity level to estimate their total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

Once you have calculated the TDEE, you can use it to estimate the macronutrient requirements based on the user’s goals. For example, if they are looking to build muscle, they may require more protein than someone who is looking to lose weight.

Blood Alcohol Calculator:

Calculate the blood alcohol content (BAC) of the user based on the input data. You can use the Widmark formula to estimate the BAC, which takes into account the user’s weight, the number of drinks they’ve had, the alcohol content of the drinks, and the time since their last drink.


The Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) formula calculates the percentage of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream based on their weight, the number of drinks they’ve had, the alcohol content of those drinks, and the time since their last drink. The formula most commonly used is called the Widmark formula, named after the Swedish pharmacologist Erik Widmark. The formula is:

  • BAC = (0.806 x A x 1.2) / (W x r) – (0.017 x H)


  • A is the total alcohol consumed, in ounces.
  • W is the person’s body weight, in pounds.
  • r is the person’s body water ratio, which is typically assumed to be 0.55 for men and 0.49 for women.
  • H is the time since the last drink, in hours.

Note that this formula is only an estimate, and actual BAC may vary based on a number of factors such as the person’s metabolism, the rate of alcohol absorption, and other factors. Additionally, there may be legal or medical consequences to driving with any amount of alcohol in your bloodstream, so it’s important to always drink responsibly and avoid driving if you’ve been drinking.

Body Fat:

Calculate the body fat percentage of the user based on the input data. You can use different formulas for men and women. Here are two examples:

  • For men: BF = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) – 16.2
  • For women: BF = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x Age) – 5.4


  • BMI is the body mass index, which is calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) squared.
  • Age is the user’s age in years.

Product description

Implement Google Material Material Design for Android

Daily Calorie Burn

BMI Calculator

Body Fat Percentage

Ideal Weight

Macronutrient Calculator

Body Alcohol Calculator

Earning Applovin Max Ads Integrated Android 13+ SDK Support

App Demo

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Update Log v1.0

Last Update fixed V1.0
- Initial Release

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