GrabCab Pro React Native Full Taxi App

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by exicube
GrabCab Pro React Native Full Taxi App React native Travel Booking & Rent Mobile App template



GrabCab Pricing

For Standard Version Click Here

GrabCab apple playstore
GrabCab Driver apple playstore
GrabCab Website apple
GrabCab Admin apple


  • After creating a Driver Account, you have to Approve the Driver, Change Driver Active Status and change the Cartype from Admin Portal.

  • The GrabCab Demo Apps on Apple Store and Google Play Store match the Pro version. Please check above table for a checklist of deliverables you will get on either version.

  • Please always use different smartphones for rider and driver. Do not try to test both apps from a single device or emulator.

Test Accounts

  • Demo Admin Account

  • Stripe testcard details-
    card no – 4242 4242 4242 4242 / cvv – Any 3 digits / exp date - Any future date

  • Braintree testcard details-
    card no – 41111 1111 1111 1111 / cvv – Any 3 digits / exp date – Any future date

  • Paypal username and password – / John@123

  • Paytm test credentials – Click here

  • Paystack testcard details-
    card no – 4084 0840 8408 4081 / cvv – 408 / exp date - Any future date

  • Liqpay testcard details-
    card no – 4242 4242 4242 4242 / cvv – Any 3 digits / exp date - Any future date

Technology Used

  • Mobile Apps (IOS & Android) – React Native and Expo
  • Admin Portal – React and Redux
  • Database – Firebase Realtime Database
  • Server Side APIs – Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Maps & Location APIs – Google
  • Push Notifications – Expo

What’s New ( Change Log )


  1. Website Added
  2. Web Based Booking Added for Rider
  3. Ride Booking by Admin
  4. Android Design Issues Fixed
  5. Date Locale Config available on Apps
  6. Over the Air Update. No need to deploy to App Stores everytime.
  7. Paypal Added. Paypal through Braintree also exists as it was.
  8. Firebase Function upgraded to Node10
  9. All reported issues and bugs reported till date are closed


  1. Uploaded to Apple Store and Playstore.
  2. iPad and Tablet Support
  3. Email Login Added along with Mobile Login
  4. Panic Button Added
  5. Map Initializing to Geolocation Fixed
  6. Background Geolocation Added
  7. Driver External Map Navigation Added.
  8. Security Improvements
  9. Documentation improved and setup stages reduced
  10. Paytm Payment Provider
  11. Payfast Payment Provider
  12. Paystack Payment Provider
  13. Liqpay Payment Provider


  1. UI changes.
  2. Mobile Login Added
  3. Email Login Removed
  4. Map Drag for Address Change
  5. Payment Modes Enable and Disable from Admin
  6. Change Currency from Admin
  7. Updated to Expo SDK 37
  8. Documentation improved


  1. Pay with Stripe, Braintree and Paypal
  2. Apple Login
  3. Location Notification Card Honk Sound
  4. Fix – Notification Sound for Android
  5. Driver coming for Pickup – Tracking
  6. Added minimum fare
  7. Convenience fees are in percentage
  8. Real time on-trip tracking in driver side
  9. Driver income screen
  10. Improve payment receipt in both app
  11. Add wallet money
  12. payments and income reports in admin pannel
  13. Driver wise payments reports with filter in admin pannel


  1. Expo SDK updated to version 36.0.0
  2. Documentation improved
  3. Facebook code change as per new Expo version
  4. Expo updated to latest for Rider
  5. Documentation improved
  6. Wallet.
  7. Transaction history.
  8. Card Payments.
  9. Save Card features.
  10. Push Notification.
  11. CSV export from Admin Panel.
  12. Bulk Push Notification from Admin Panel.


  1. Facebook Signup for Rider.
  2. Promo Code Apply.
  3. Registration through Refferal.
  4. Chat between Rider and Driver
  5. Referral bonus.
  6. Dynamic car type.
  7. Multiple booking.
  8. Commission Settings for Each Ride Type.
  9. Driver duty Online and Offline.
  10. OTP verification for ride.
  11. Supports 64 bit Android.
  12. Todays, monthly and Total earning statistics on Admin pannel.
  13. Add/ Edit car type and rates on Admin pannel.
  14. Add/Edit promos on Admin pannel.
  15. Add/ edit referral commission on Admin pannel.
  16. Show all bookings on Admin pannel.
  17. Approve Driver Account on Admin pannel.
  18. Real time Map and show all drivers on Admin pannel.
  19. Show all users on Admin pannel.


  1. Search location using google auto-complete.
  2. One step and easy booking process.
  3. Only one booking at a time.
  4. Live tracking of your ride.
  5. Ride alert for nearest drivers.
  6. Only Email/Password login is integrated for this version.
  7. Forms Validation ready.
  8. Smooth Animation between screens with drawer navigation.
  9. Infinite scroll and clean UI.
  10. Fully component based project structure.
  11. Billing and Rating Ready.
  12. Complete bookings history.
  13. Backend with Firebase real time database (Firebase is Google’s mobile platform that helps you quickly develop high-quality apps and grow your business).

Support and other Terms

  • This code requires programming knowledge. Preferably React Native and Firebase.

  • Supporting items is not a requirement of Envato Market, but buyers on CodeCanyon tend to have questions about the item. We will answer to those till we find it relevant.

  • We answer to queries through email. Kindly send all types of requests at We only use email.

  • You can request for solution of bugs and errors. But before reporting a bug or error, it is mandatory that you have found the same bug/error on GrabCab Demo Apps. We will only handle an error / bug resolve which can be seen or verified through the Demo Apps. This means if raised error or bug does not appear on the Demo Apps, it will not be considered as an error or bug.

  • You can customize the App as you will. But we do not support any queires on customizations that are not supervised by us.

  • We do customizations which are seperately handled by us outside CodeCanyon. For such requests make a bullet list and send on along with Purchase code.

  • And finally, the most important part is that GrabCab is always under development. This is a very actively developed solution with frequent releases. We never release anything with a known bug or issue. But we donot gurantee or warrantee anything with the product sale. By purchasing the product you agree that we at Exicube or Codecanyon is not accountable or liable for any loss or damage of any kind.

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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