FOODSIFY - Multitenancy Based Food Grocery & E-commerce Builder Platform (SAAS)

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by AMCoders
FOODSIFY - Multitenancy Based Food  Grocery & E-commerce Builder Platform (SAAS)    Shopping Carts


Envato Market Sale

Permission Enabled For Store Creation System

Foodsify is a multitenancy-based food & grocery e-commerce builder platform based on SAAS its similar to Shopify partner’s modules partners can create multiple stores based on separate databases. This script supports separate database for each store or tenant. Auto Subdomain & Custom domain features are included in this script. Anyone can build any kind of food & grocery site using this script. Customers can sell food & grocery or e-commerce item and change the UI theme easily. We integrated 3 food & Grocery E-commerce themes and added 11+ payment getaways and unlimited offline payment getaways. Foodsify included 2 click site installer to install the script without any technical knowledge.

Demo Access:


Admin Login:

Admin Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Partner Login:

Partner Access: login

Email: | Password: rootmerchant

Theme 1:


Login Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Rider Login:

Login Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Customer Login:

Login Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Theme 2:


Login Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Rider Login:

Login Access:

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Customer Login:

Login Access:

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Theme 3:


Login Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Rider Login:

Login Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Customer Login:

Login Access: login

Email: | Password: rootadmin

Payment Gateways:

  • paypal
  • stripe
  • mollie
  • paystack
  • razorpay
  • instamojo
  • toyyibpay
  • flutterwave
  • payu
  • thawani
  • mercadopago

Site Features:

  • Seperate Database for each store
  • Auto Database Create Modules For Store
  • Manual Database Create Modules For Store
  • AWS S3 bucket for external storage
  • Wasabi bucket for external storage
  • Local bucket for internal storage
  • Firebase realtime notification
  • Custom domain and automatic subdomain
  • Manual Subdomain
  • PWA (Progressive Web App)
  • 11+ automatic payment methods
  • 3 unique store themes
  • SAAS modules
  • Multi Tenancy based store
  • Redis configuration
  • Memcached configuration
  • Queue Jobs for transactional mail
  • DNS verification

Partner Features:

  • Rechargeable wallet
  • Store Create modules
  • Store Configuration
  • Store Developers Settings
  • Store Database Control
  • Storage Control
  • Support Ticket system
  • Partner Can make renew the subscription
  • Store Transfer Modules
  • Recurring Subscription payment based on wallet
  • Auto Subscription Renew
  • Store Domain Configuration
  • Subdomain & custom domain
  • Partner Can Login dirrect to the store
  • OTP based store Transfer
  • Awesome dashboard
  • Developer mode
  • Before Expire The Store Subscription Partner will get notification

Seller Features:

  • Seperate Database
  • Dynamic store Database
  • Helpfull Dashboard
  • QR Code
  • POS modules
  • Barcode print based on separate product
  • Store Cache Clear Button
  • Order Management
  • Calender Based Order (schedule order)
  • Rider Modules
  • Customer Modules
  • Shop Table Management
  • PWA for each store
  • 11+ automaic payment method
  • Unlimited Offline payment method
  • Image Optimization
  • Firebase push notification
  • Realtime Order notification
  • Whatsapp Order notification
  • Mail based Order notification
  • Custom css js
  • Customer based push notification
  • Media Management
  • Storage Management
  • Dynamic Order Status
  • Review Management
  • Mailchimp api (newsletter tool)
  • Invoice print
  • 3 unique store theme
  • Role based sub admin
  • Shipping modules
  • Distance based shipping charge (Google api based)
  • Max shipping distance varification
  • Area based shipping charge
  • SEO friendly url
  • SEO friendly produc
  • Variation based product
  • Dynamic product Variation
  • Coupon modules
  • sandbox based payment system (for testing)
  • Awesome product modules
  • Stock modules
  • Multi language
  • Transaction report
  • Drag and drop menu builder
  • Seller can dirrectly login to the customer account
  • Seller can dirrectly login to the rider account
  • Product Category
  • Product Brands
  • Product tags
  • Dynamic product badge / features
  • Sales report
  • Sales analytics
  • Top selling products
  • Top customers
  • Banner modules
  • Page based seo settings
  • Barcode generator
  • Different Types Barcode generator style
  • Dynamic Pages
  • Blog Modules
  • Slider Modules
  • Ajax based store
  • Many more….

How stores are works

FOODSIFY - Multitenancy Based Food  Grocery & E-commerce Builder Platform (SAAS) - 5

How Partner Modules Work

FOODSIFY - Multitenancy Based Food  Grocery & E-commerce Builder Platform (SAAS) - 6


Note: Please don’t use CodeCanyon Comments for support requests as that’s not what they’re designed for. This will make our life easier. All of our items come with an Envato license. we code each line by maintaining security, if you use an unauthorized version and face any issues/errors or face any security issues then we are not responsible for that. before purchase, pls check our demo, you will found the same as our demo has. Thank you in advance!


1.Do you offer free installation service?
Sorry we don’t give free installation service. you provide customization support ?
Sorry we don’t provide
3.Do you integrate local payment getaway?
Yes we integrate local payment getaways. multi language working with content based?
its working with static text and menu contents.
5.can i install the script multiple time for multiple site?
According to envato licanse policy you can use one site for main script you can’t install multiple site useing one license key but your SAAS customer can create site .
6. I want to upgrade my regular license to extended license can I get refund for regular license?
Yes, if you have purchased the regular license and you have to upgrade the license within 1/2 days.

Extended License



  • PHP >= 8.1
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • cURL PHP Extension
  • DOM PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PCRE PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • root user credentials of database
Some Minor Bug Fix
Some Minor Bug Fix
PWA cache issue fix
Some Critical Bug Fix
Custom Payment Option Added For Seller
documentation update
Initial Release

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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