Expense Tracker is an effective way to manage your money in one place. You can manage your and budget and track your spendings every day and record your personal and business transactions.
- Easily manage your incomes and expenses.
- Calculate your average spendings.
- Predict your monthly expenses.
- Define your budget and track it.
- See graph of your month spendings.
- Support multy-currency.
- Universal App Works on Both Devices (iPhone & iPad).
- Support New Devices (iPhone XS/ iPhone 8+).
- Coded Using Swift 5.
- Worked on Latest Version of Xcode 10.
- Supports IOS 9 and higher.
- Supports all iPhone & iPad Resolutions.
- Supports AdMob Banners and Interstitials.
- Simple, clean and intuitive user interface.
- Beautiful and professional design.
- 100% Ready to style and publish on AppStore.