Drive Them with Admob and Leaderboard

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by guillocrack
Drive Them with Admob and Leaderboard Android Game Mobile App template


Drive Them with Admob and Leaderboard - 1

Drive Them is a game made in Java with the Eclipse IDE.

The aim of the game is to get the maximum number of points getting the circles and avoiding the squares while you drive both cars. You can change the side of each car just typing the screen.

Also, the game includes Google Play Leaderboards so you can compare your scores with other players!

The Video Preview has a little delay, I recommend that you download the game from Google Play and try it.


- How to install everything you need to use Libgdx in Eclipse
- A video explaining how to import the game and the libraries it needs
- How to change Admob ids (Banner and Interstitial)
- How to change the % of times that appears the Interstitial
- How to change the game difficulty
- How to change Leaderboards ids

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