Do It Today (iOS) | To do list & reminders

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by Elitech-96
Do It Today (iOS) | To do list & reminders


App Features

Do It Today – a simple app for bigger problems. It’s a basic to-do list, a reminder, a checklist and a task manager that assists you in getting things done.
No matter who you are and what you do – you will be better organized! At home, at work and in your free time – you will focus on really important things!
Do It Today app is powerful in its simplicity and convenience of use.
  • Show to-do lists or checklists.
  • Create a category with relevant tasks.
  • Notification can be set to remember a task.
  • You can check tasks in Today Widget and iOS 14 Widget.
  • A clean and elegant design.
  • Send feedback.
  • Share app with your friends.

Additional Info

  • App Works on iPhone.
  • Support all iPhone Resolutions (from iPhone 6 to iPhone 13 Pro Max).
  • Coded Using Swift 5.
  • Worked on Xcode version 13.1
  • Supports IOS 12.0 and higher.
  • Simple, clean and intuitive user interface.
  • Beautiful and professional design.
  • Support RTL.
  • Multi-language support (English and Arabic are available).

Change Log


- Refactor code related to Deep Link.

Version 1.0.2

- Implement intent configuration in Widget iOS 14 (Allow user to select category to display on Widget iOS 14).
- Fix bug remove notification when task is deleted.
- Document updated with the new functions (DOC_V1.0.2)

Version 1.0.1

- Support RTL.
- Support multiple languages (English and Arabic). 
- Document updated with the new functions (DOC_V1.0.1)

Version 1.0.0

- Implement MVVM Design pattern + RxSwift + Clean Architecture. 
- Including App and Widgets.
- Integrated Google Admob in app (banner + interstitial ad).
- Compatible with Xcode 13 & iOS 15. 
- Document updated with the new functions (DOC_V1.0.0)

Questions & Support

Still, you having any questions? Just leave a comment. Or do you need support from me? Just send me an email or visit my blog. The Information about my email and blog will be included in project’s document.

Product tags

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    • 360 degrees quality control
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