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by dheerajDev
Coolors iOS  Mobile



Coolors is an amazing utility app for designers it allows you to create your own gradients and palettes and you can save those gradients and palettes for later to catch up on, It will definitely increase the productivity of designers out there always searching for perfect colors or gradients.


Coolors app is designed beautifully in UI terms as every designers wants, A greater design with amazing interactions and walkthrough with popups! Designed completely with programmatic swift. Includes Custom PopUps!

What does Extended Licence Includes?

  • Complete Setup of coolors by us, Including setting up your admob account for monetization.

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  • 1. Completely written in programmatic Swift. ( In the latest version of swif, Swift5 )
  • 2. Clean code with proper comments for better understanding.
  • 3. Use of Realm for data persistent ( For saving gradient and pallets )
  • 4. Coolors Includes Admob integration to get your app monetized, Both banner and interstitials ads are added.
  • 5. Proper documentation of the app on how to set up very easy to implement. Documentation here
  • 6. No coding required.


For any support requests, please contact me through my Profile’s Contact Form or email me

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Coolors v1.0 – 7 Nov 2020
- Initial release

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