Complete Todo List Flutter App

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by danielkowuoche
Complete Todo List Flutter App Flutter  Mobile Full Applications





Todo List app creates tasks for users and tracks tasks gives a home screen dashboard of the task progress status. Users are able to view in the home screen the total number of all tasks, those that are complete and those that are pending. First time app users get a short tutorial on how to use the app. Tasks have the option of adding reminders and can be set at specific times and dates with notifications. Each task can be given a description to give more detail about the task.


Each task can be viewed and users can be get specific insights about the task.

The app also has a ‘My Task’ page where all tasks are grouped according into specific categories either ‘ALL’, ‘PENDING’, ‘COMPLETE’ and ‘OVERDUE’.

The app has a dashboard achievement page which summarises the users activity and performance over a given time period either daily and weekly and the user is able to see how well he is using his time.

The app has several option of themes which can be chosen by the user depending on preference.

The app has paywalls on specific themes, tasks insights and task achievements.

The app has the option paying for either lifetime, monthly or annual subscriptions.

App Features

The source code has the following features

1. Firebase integration

2. In app purchases

3. Google Admob for interstitial and banner ads

4. Circular and linear progress bars

5. Differentiated task colours for completed and pending Purple-Modern-Download-App-Instagram-Post-1

6. Six different theme styles


7. Task notifications & reminders


8. Paywall for premium features

9. Create, Read, Update and Delete Tasks

10. Task Countdown, completion time, reminders

11. Calendar View

12. In App Sharing

13. In App Rating

14. In App Feedback

15. Data backup

16. Achievements screen

17. Overdue Tasks

18. Tasks Filter – All, Pending, Complete, Overdue

19. Users Get Rewarded for milestones reached that popup

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