Brick Mania - Brick Breaker Flutter Game With Admob

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by kingitlimited


Brick Mania – Brick Breaker Flutter Game With Admob


Brick Mania Game is Make With Flutter. Having lot of fun by playing this. You can upload it on playstore or appstore. Earn from this game by Google ads.

Test The Game Before Buy. Read full description to Know about this source.


Demo Apk:




  • Total 100 Level Added
  • Smooth Gameplay
  • Animated Ui 
  • Animated Splash
  • Added Animated Bubble
  • Dark Mode And Light Mode Added
  • Music Added
  • Music On Off System Added
  • Google Ads Added
  • Easy to Build and Reskin
  • Easy to Play
  • Ball Speed Incress After Per 10 level
  • Share Option Added
  • And More


Some Screen:




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    • 360 degrees quality control
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