Best Contact for Prestashop - Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Telegram and Others

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by bedigitalweb
Best Contact for Prestashop - Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Telegram and Others Plugins, Prestashop


With this module you can add up to 9 contact options with quick and floating access in your store.

  • Contact options: Phone, E-mail, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Viber, Telegram, TikTok, Instagram, Line App, WeChat, SnapChat, and Skype.
  • Show or hide any of the contact options.
  • Enables or disables the action toggle button.
  • Change the background color of the icon.
  • Change the color of the icon.
  • Optimized SVG Icons
  • Smart deeplinks
  • Use two whatsapp numbers that alternate as the user changes screens.
  • Enable or disable the link option for Whatsapp Web or Whatsapp App on the desktop.
  • Smart whatsapp link, opens whatsapp web on desktop and app on smart devices.
  • Translated to Brazilian Portuguese, French, Spanish, English, Italian and German.

Changelog v1.3

  • Added contact options to Viber, Telegram, WeChat, Tiktok, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype and Line app
  • Code optimization
  • Organization of svg icons in separate files
  • Add spacing to the right, left and bottom.

Changelog v1.2.1

  • Added option to enable or disable link for whatsapp web on the desktop.
  • Added option to show or hide action button to open and close means of contact.
  • Added the option to insert two Whatsapp numbers that alternate automatically as the page is updated.
  • French, Italian and German translation added.
  • CSS fixes

Changelog v1.1

  • Option of second whatsapp number
  • Displays first and second Whatsapp numbers randomly when loading the page
  • Sends URL of the page where the user clicked on the Whatsapp icon
  • Option to set a pre message on Whatsapp
  • Option to set reference to the Facebook link
  • Option to define email subject
  • Add spanish translation

Demo Prestashop
Backoffice: admindemo
Pass: abc123123

How install beContact Module

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