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Apna Order- Restaurant App Flutter UI Kit

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by codecaretechnolab
Apna Order- Restaurant App Flutter UI Kit Flutter Food & Goods Delivery Mobile Uikit



 Software details :

1) Android Studio Version: 4.0.1 2) Flutter 2.7.0 < 3.0.0 3) Font Quicksand 4) APK APK Version: 1.0 compileSdkVersion: 28 minSdkVersion: 16 targetSdkVersion: 28

 Coding details :

1) Pattern : mobx flutter_modular

mobx command: - flutter pub get - flutter packages pub run build_runner build –delete-conflicting-outputs - flutter packages pub run build_runner watch - flutter packages pub run build_runner clean && flutter packages pub run build_runner build –delete-conflicting-outputs

 Change app icon :

pubspec.yaml open.

flutter_icons: android: “launcher_icon” ios: true image_path: “assets/images/app_icon.png”

Terminal command: flutter pub get flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main

Functionality :

1) Change language and change theme. 2) Order history search. 3) Order choice you (for example you can order pizza that options are available small, large etc.) 4) Order cancel. 5) Order history search. 6) Favourite. 7) Order edit.

 Which software open this application :

1) Android studio 2) VS Code

Windows : • STEP 1: Download flutter SDK. • STEP 2: Android studio: File -> Settings -> Plugins -> install plugin flutter • STEP 3: Open android studio: Open an existing Android Studio project click.

 Package detail : Apna order application 6 packages available in lib folder.

 You can change color and style that file name utils package inside color_blue.dart, color_orange.dart and style.dart.

 Current package name: com.jdkgroup.apnaorder 1) model 2) module Every screen create own module. That are contains store file, bind and routes. 3) shared o api call, local storage that use share all screen data. 4) store o mobx and .g dart file 5) ui o page: UI o clipper: for example ProfileClipper. o widget: common widget. 6) utils o utils contain constant, routes, font, color, api, image in assets set the path etc. 7) component o component contain the animated related files. AppModule(app_module.dart) o That is create single instance and define the module and screen.

o That is contains: bind: Object initialized.

URL_BASE: set the url for api calling. Bind((i) =>Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: URL_BASE))),

routers: root define.

bootstrap: Theme, Font, First screen open define.

List<Bind>get binds => [ Bind<IRepository>((i) =>Repository(i.get<Dio>())), Bind<ISharedLocalRepository>((i) =>LocalStorageRepository()), Bind((i) =>Dio(BaseOptions(baseUrl: URL_BASE))), Bind((i) =>LocalStore()), Bind((i) =>ThemeController()), ];

List<ModularRouter>get routers => [ ModularRouter(firstLaunchRoute, child: (_, args) =>SplashPage()), ModularRouter(loginRoute, module: LoginModule()), ModularRouter(signUpRoute, module: SignUpModule()), ModularRouter(forgotPasswordRoute, module: ForgotPasswordModule()), ModularRouter(changePasswordRoute, module: ChangePasswordModule()), ModularRouter(homeRoute, module: HomeModule()), ModularRouter(choiceRoute, module: ChoiceModule()), ModularRouter(categoryRoute, module: CategoryModule()), ModularRouter(offerRoute, module: OfferModule()), ModularRouter(orderRoute, module: OrderModule()), ModularRouter(historyRoute, module: HistoryModule()), ModularRouter(profileEditRoute, module: ProfileEditModule()), ModularRouter(contactUsRoute, child: (_, args) =>ContactPage()), ModularRouter(profileRoute, child: (_, args) =>ProfilePage()), ModularRouter(orderDetailRoute, module: OrderDetailModule()), ModularRouter(orderPaymentRoute, module: OrderDeliveryAddressModule()), ModularRouter(favouriteRoute, module: FavouriteModule()), ModularRouter(historyDetailRoute, module: HistoryDetailModule()), ModularRouter(settingRoute, module: SettingModule()), ModularRouter(promoCodeRoute, module: PromoCodeModule()) ];

 Screen : 1) Splash Screen 2) Login Screen 3) Forgot password Screen 4) Sign up Screen 5) Menu Screen 6) Category Screen 7) Your Choice Screen Order edit Screen 9) Order Screen 10) Favourite Screen 11) Payment Screen 12) Order history Screen 13) Order detail 14) Profile Screen 15) Change password Screen 16) Contact us Screen 17) Setting 18) Drawer Screen 19) Logout

 Screen description :

1) Splash Screen(splash_page.dart) Navigation: Login, Home Logo define

_checkLogin() function redirect screen login or home.

boolisLogin = (await prefs.get(isLoginPref) ?? false); isLogin true then redirect home page otherwise login page.

2) Login Screen(login_page.dart)

Validation, Login API call Navigation: Sign Up, Forgot password and Home

3) Forgot password Screen(forgot_password_page.dart) Validation, Forgot password API call Navigation: Login

4) Sign up Screen(sign_up_page.dart) Validation, Sign up API call Navigation: Home

5) Menu Screen(menu_page.dart) Menu name Navigation: Category Screen

6) Category Screen(category_page.dart) Category list, favourite, offer view. Navigation: Choice Screen

7) Your Choice Screen(choice_page.dart) Select your choice different option available (oil, ghee, small, medium etc). You can select the option of your choice.

Navigation: Choice Screen

Functionality: 1) Dynamic option 2) Category related offer and your order display the bottom list. 3) Your order you can update.

Order edit Screen(order_detai_pagel.dart.dart)

Order update then changes 2 two screen. 1) Choice screen bottom order list 2) Home screen.

9) Order Screen(order_page.dart.dart) Your order.

Navigation: Payment Screen.

Functionality: 1) Order add and remove.

10) Promo Code Screen(promo_code_page.dart.dart)

11) Favourite Screen(favourite_pagel.dart)

12) Payment Screen(order_payment_page.dart) Navigation: Promo code Screen

Your name, email, mobile and address that field fill up.

13) Order history Screen(history_page.dart) Your order history display.

Navigation: Order Detail Screen

Functionality: 1) Search using order date. 2) CANCEL order.

14) Order Detail Screen(order_detail_page.dart)

15) Profile Screen(profile_page.dart) Navigation: Profile edit Screen

16) Profile Edit(profile_edit_page.dart)

17) Change password Screen(change_password_page.dart)

18) Contact us Screen(contact_page.dart)

19) Drawer Screen(common_drawer.dart)

20) Logout Navigation: Login Screen

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