Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR )

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by inspithemes
Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) Android Developer Tools Mobile App template


Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 1 Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 2 Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 3 Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 4

Vimeo is new application that offers great collection of Video for your android device from

Are You thinking about to make video application that play video of your choice.

You can make Application of Your favorite Video,Tv Shows,Movie,Serial,Sport and many more.

DEMO APK: Click Here

Demo Admin:



Android Side:

  1.  Attractive UI with Material Design
  2. Videos (Server video url and Vimeo url)
  3. Most view and latest video in home page
  4. Advertisement slider
  5. PSD Design
  6. Category Wise Video Display
  7. Favorite Video Display Seperate
  8. Video Change with Swiping finger
  9. Navigation View
  10. Google analytic tracking
  11. One Signal Push Notification
  12. Admob Ads Integration(Banner and interstitial ads)
  13. Only Android Studio Code
  14. Easy,powerful & secure admin panel

Admin Side:

  • Simple and Attractive Admin Panel.
  • Easily Manage Category and Videos.
  • About Us and Privacy Page Manage from Admin
  • Manage App Settings from Admin

What You Get:

  • Full Android Source Code.
  • Full Php Code of Server Side.
  • PSD Files

Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 15

Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 16

Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 17

Android Vimeo Video App (Material Design,Admob with GDPR ) - 18

Change Log


- New UI of app
- Add Security For More Secured API Calls
- Add Category in Home page
- Add Rating & Review in detail page
- Add Firebase analytic
- Document update


- Go back to the detail screen the sound keep playing and don’t stop issue solved
- Rotate horizontally crash issue solve 


- OneSignal notification added via admin panel
- Admob id & on-off setting in admin panel added
- Admob GDPR update
- RTL Support
- Secure API
- PHP Admin UI Change
- Document update


- Attractive UI with Material Design
- PSD Design
- Navigation View
- Add most view and latest video in home page
- Add advertisement slider
- Add Google analytic tracking
- Add One Signal Push Notification
- Bug fix
- Document Updated


StartApp SDK Updated.
Note:Please This Application Test in Real Device because video does not play in avd sometime.

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    • Author support included
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    • Lifetime product updates included
    This product cannot be purchased because the author did not add the download file or deleted it. Ask the author in the comments about this.

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