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Mental Rush with Admob and Leaderboards

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by guillocrack
Mental Rush with Admob and Leaderboards Android Game Mobile App template


Mental Rush is a game made in Java with the Eclipse IDE.

It is a copy of this successful game (500.000+ downloads on Google Play), but Mental Rush also includes Leaderboards:

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- Random figure (square or circle) generated for every figure
- The dificulty is increased gradually
- Admob ads (Banner and Interstitial)
- Google Play Leaderboards (best score and games played)
- Splash with your own logo
- Easy to change game images
- A video explaining how to import the game and the libraries it needs
- How to change Admob ids (Banner and Interstitial)
- How to change the % of times that appears the Interstitial
- How to change the game difficulty
- How to change Leaderboards ids

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