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Emoji Camera Maker

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by karma_infotech
Emoji Camera Maker Android  Mobile App template


Emoji Camera Maker

code is now converted to android studio and it is now compatible with android 8.0 version. It is compatible with android phone and tablet. 

Demo : demo apk file

App Features :

  1. Splash screen.
  2. Select image from camera/gallery.
  3. more than 50 attractive Emojis/stickers.
  4. Select Emojis/stickers to put on your images.
  5. Zoom in/Zoom out, Rotate left/right with 2 fingures to adjust emojis.
  6. Save Images in your Sd-Card.
  7.  Easy to customization.
  8. Share images with any social app.
  9. Admob banner/intersitials ads integrated.
  10. Easy to customization.
  11. Easy to change emojis and you can create new app with just basics steps.
  12. Well documented. 

New changes are :

  1.  compatible with all Android latest version.
  2.  Tablet compatible.
  3.  Now better to share and save image.
  4. New admob integration.
  5. application code converted to android studio.

What you will get is : 

  1. Full Android Source Code.
  2. Full Documentation.
  3. ScreenShots.
  4. apk file.
  5. support 24×7 hours.

Email me if have any issues regarding code. Email address is : [email protected]

Version History : 

Updated 3 version till now. This is the fourth version. So please keep downloading Whenever you got email for update. We are continues working on our product to improve it. 


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