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eCart - Multi Vendor eCommerce System

Author userpic
by WRTeam
eCart - Multi Vendor eCommerce System Android Ecommerce Mobile App template


eCart - Multi Vendor eCommerce System - 1

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eCart - Multi Vendor eCommerce System - 19


( updated on 13-July-2021 )

+Forgot password feature implementation in seller panel
+Added OTP admin/seller panel order detail page
+Allowed seller to update delivery boy from seller panel
+Fixed orders not showing in seller APP due to issue in API
+Fixed missing the last subcategory in getting categories seller API
+Fixed undefined index  0 notice user app login time (when no such user exists)
+Fixed incorrect total orders in seller panel and APP home page
+Fixed incorrect total sale in seller app home page
+Fixed seller login issue due to using of undefined variable
+Fixed update seller balance cron job file not working properly and also optimized query (removed date comparison condition)
+Fixed customer list not showing in seller panel and APP due to problem in query
+Fixed invalid total count seller and admin panel customer table
+Fixed showing wrong tax amount in admin/seller panel orders table
+Fixed delivery boy balance mismatch in APP and Panel
+Fixed showing the same record two times while search using mobile admin/seller panel customers table
+Fixed on return request approval customer getting refund amount including promo discount
+Fixed search not working in admin/seller panel areas table
+Fixed bug pin-codes not updating while update product from admin panel


( updated on 17-june-2021 )

 + Fixed add product validation issues
 + Fixed delete category issue


( updated on 14-june-2021 )

+Product deliverable checking at cart page

Version 1.0.2

( updated on 11-june-2021 )

+ New area and Pincode structure for future updates
+ Seller delete issue resolved
+ Subcategory delete issue resolved
+ Shop by seller module resolved
+ Seller app total issue resolved
+ Fixed delivery boy total issue
+ Fixed Cancel order issue
+ Fixed Delivery boy OTP issue

Customer App

+ Searching issue resolved
+ Improve address part with adding fixed
+ Small bug fixes & improvements


+ Product adding issue resolved

Version 1.0.1

( updated on 22-May-2021 )

+ Not updating seller description issue resolved
+ Delete Seller issue resolved
+ Category display issue resolved
+ Cancel order Return amount issue resolved
+ Product direct approval issue resolved
+ Security bug fixed
+ Unit add & edit option added
+ Push Notification issue resolved

Customer App

Shop by area 
   + Shop by seller
   + Bug Fixed
   + Forgot and Registration system solved


   +Product adding issue solved
   +Withdrawal request issue solved
   +Order detail page missing calculations solved

Product tags

    • 6 month free support included from author
    • Free lifetime product updates guarantee
    • 360 degrees quality control
    Secure payment & money back guarantee

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